Terms of service.
1. I am aware that participating in training with Fired Up Fitness is potentially dangerous.
2. I am aware that participating in personal training with Fired Up Fitness could potentially result in my suffering a serious injury or even death.
3. I acknowledge that I have been advised by Fired Up Fitness to seek professional advice from my doctor as to whether it is safe for me to participate in exercise with Fired Up Fitness.
4. I acknowledge that of my own free will and desire I wish to undertake exercise with Fired Up Fitness having considered all of the risks personally for me.
5. I acknowledge that it is a condition of me participating in exercise with Fired Up Fitness that I waive, release and discharge Fired Up Fitness, it's instructors, members, servants or agents from any liability howsoever arising from injury or damage howsoever caused (whether fatal or otherwise) arising from participating in exercise.